a liquid platform on the climate crisis, anthropocenic interactions and ecological transition 
a project by MUSE Science Museum Trento
conceived and curated by Stefano Cagol


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Artist in Residence #1: MARY MATTINGLY
December 2022

 In December, "We Are the Flood" invites the first artist-in-residence to MUSE, an absolute novelty in the museum's history. She is Mary Mattingly, considered to be one of the American artists who is most effectively confronting environmental issues and, for this reason, chosen as the cover artist of the forerunner volume in the current vision of the topic, "Art in the Anthropocene", already published in 2015 by Open Humanities Press. Mattingly was in Trentino in December 2022 at MUSE for an intensive period of research and creation.

Mattingly has made headlines in the United States for his work designed on a barge in New York City as an 'edible landscape', capable of circumventing the city's prohibitions on city land and allowing anyone to climb up and eat freely. The resonance achieved by this work prompted the city of New York to launch its first edible public garden in 2017, demonstrating how art can aspire to change society.

Mary Mattingly, who lives and works in New York, was born in Rockville, Connecticut in 1978, and studied at the Parsons School of Design in New York and the Pacific Northwest College of Art in Portland. The artist, who focuses her research on climate issues, sustainability and the value of water, has been included in the publication "Nature", part of the Documents of Contemporary Art series commissioned by the Whitechapel Gallery in London and MIT Press, and has received awards and recognition from Eyebeam Center for Art and Technology, Yale University School of Art, Harpo Foundation and Art Matters Foundation.

The artist-in-residence has been selected with the collaboration of the board of research advisors of "We Are the Flood".
At MUSE, Mary Mattingly creates a new work conceived ad hoc.